Domain Joining a PC

This guide can continue directly on from the Installing Windows 10 Guide

Check once again that the computer is connected to the PureNET network before proceeding

  1. Open the old-school Control Panel by searching for it in the Start Menu
  2. Click on the “System and Security” section
    Control panel home
  3. Under the “System” heading, click on “Allow remote access”
    Control panel system and security
  4. In the “System Properties” window, move to the “Computer Name” tab
    System properties window
  5. Click on the “Change” button
    Computer name tab
  6. Change the “Computer Name” field to one of the following: For a studio PC, give it the name PURE-SX-YY where X is the studio and YY is the number of the computer, with a leading zero. For an OB PC, give it the name PURE-OB-XX where XX is the number of the computer with a leading zero
    Computer name window
  7. Change from “Member of Workgroup” to “Member of Domain”, and in the Domain box, put
    Computer name window
  8. When prompted for a username and password, enter either your Domain Super Admin account, or contact the Technical Director for assistance
  9. Once authenticated, it may take a second to join the domain, and then a window saying “Welcome to the domain”
    Welcome window
  10. Click “OK” on this window and reboot the computer

The computer should now be fully setup and connected to the domain. When the computer has restarted, try logging in with your account. It may take a while for the first log in. If it doesn’t work, contact the Technical Director