Welcome to the PureFM Technical Documentation!

Here you will find the documentation of how PureFM works. It is a work in progress and content will be added slowly over time. It currently has enough information for you to be able to use Studios 1 and 2, as well as some of the technical team’s information on how the tech works.

If you’ve stumbled across this and are looking for PureFM’s public facing website the head over to thisispurefm.com

The tech team are now entering Examination Period. During this time, you can expect delayed response times to messages & any ACRs or TSRs submitted will take longer to be completed.

If your issue is urgent (ie not solving it will result in Live-To-Air content not working), please contact us on the PureFM WhatsApp Community either through PureFM Chat or PureFM Tech

For any further questions or to discuss technical training needs, please contact the Technical Director via technicaldirector@thisispurefm.com.

This documentation is not complete. Go forth with caution.
If you require assistance with something that is not listed, do reach out to the Technical Team.